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- -- MOVIE 1.3 --
- Movie is a freeware utility which may be used to play back animations
- created by Sculpt Animate 3D. Movie was written by Dr. Eric Graham,
- author of SCULPT 3-D and Sculpt Animate 3D. Movie's sound capability
- was added by Ken Offer of Byte by Byte.
- The CLI syntax for MOVIE is "MOVIE animfile [audiofile]", where
- "animfile" is the name of the RAM animation and "audiofile" is an
- optional audio specification file, as explained below.
- To run MOVIE from the Workbench, you need to attach an icon to the
- animation. This may be done by copying the ".info" file from an
- existing animation, although any PROJECT type icon will do.
- To play an animation, hold down a SHIFT key and click the animation's
- icon, then double-click the MOVIE icon.
- If the animation icon's info structure (accessed through the
- Workbench's INFO menu command) has MOVIE specified as the default tool
- and MOVIE is on the same directory, then you may run the animation
- just by double-clicking its icon.
- You may add the animation author's name to the opening screen text by
- inserting it into the tooltypes gadget of the animation's info screen.
- This is done by adding a line such as "AUTHORNAME=Aurthur Name". Case
- is important. Omit the quotes.
- Another item which may be added to the tooltypes is an audio
- specification file, an example might be "AUDIOSPECFILE=myanim.audio".
- The audio file tells Movie how and when to play back sampled sounds.
- To have audio, you must have some number of IFF 8SVX "one-shot" sound
- files (NOT instrument files) on the same directory as the animation,
- as well as an audio specification in the following format:
- +-----------------------------------------------------------
- |IFFSoundFileName0
- |IFFSoundFileName1
- |IFFSoundFileName2
- |
- | ...and so on, ending the filenames with an '*'.
- |
- |*
- |NForegroundSoundSeq (i.e. # of foreground sound frame sequences)
- |Frame# Sound# (L for left channel, R for Right) Volume
- |Frame# Sound# L or R Volume
- |...
- |NBackgroundSoundSeq (i.e. # of background sound frame sequences)
- |Frame# Sound# (L for left channel, R for Right) Volume
- |Frame# Sound# L or R Volume
- |...
- |
- An Example is below:
- +-------------------------------------------------------
- |gong
- |whistle
- |*
- |2
- |0 0 L 64
- |15 0 R 32
- |1
- |0 1 L 20
- The above example will play one sound twice (2) in a cycling animation.
- At frame 0, it will play sound 0 (gong) in the left speaker at maximum volume,
- namely 64.
- At frame 15, it will play sound 0 in the right speaker at half the
- maximum volume, namely 32.
- There is one background sound in this animation, which is a whistle, and
- it starts on frame 0, plays in the left channel, with a volume of 20.
- Valid frame numbers are 0 to n-1, where n is the number of frames in
- your animation (in one complete cycle). If the number is greater than
- n, the sound will not be played. You may not always know how many
- frames an animation has, so it's a little hard to "retrofit" a sound
- to an animation, but not too hard. The best approach is to make a
- guess at a frame number and try it, this will quickly tell you how
- close you are.
- Valid sound numbers are 0 to n-1, where n is the number of sounds in
- your animation.
- Valid channels are L for left and R for right.
- Valid volumes are 0 through 64.
- Background sounds are sounds that start up the first time the desired
- frame appears, and then cycle on their own until the program ends.
- If the audio specification file cannot be found, no sound will be played.
- -- An apparent Manx overlay bug causes the floppy drive light and
- motor to remain on during animation play.
- -- Amiga-N will cause unpleasant effects and a system lockup. This is
- because MOVIE makes assumtions about the viewport for speed's sake.
- -- A system file requester has the same effect as Amiga-N.